- Grip Markdown Windows
- Markdown To Html Converter Online
- Grip Markdown System
- Markdown To Html
- Grip Markdown Tool
Table of ContentsClose
- 1. Description
- 4. Configuration
- 5. Usage
- 6. Key bindings
1 Description
1.1 Features:
- Penthouse presents Karla Kush & Xander Corvus in The Grip Grabs His Cock.
- NEGOP Chairman Mark Fahleson blogs about Nebraska politics and anything else he likes.
- Create a new bookmark in the toolbar of your browser, give it a fitting name. Put that one line of code in the URL field. If you now go to a Markdown page on Github and click the bookmark it will reformat the page and change the CSS so that it looks the same as on screen when you print. Now just print the page.
- There are lots of Markdown preview tools available (just check for plugins or bundles in. Now that you have it installed, simply run grip in the same.
So, given that I have to work with Markdown, time to use some Emacs magic to make it easy and fun. To start, Emacs has a markdown mode along with a bunch of previewing and rendering modes. I settled on grip mode. You can check out the video to see grip-mode along with some of the other modes I.
- markdown files support via markdown-mode
- mdx file support via markdown-mode
- Fast GitHub-flavored live preview via vmd-mode
- TOC generation via markdown-toc
- Completion of Emojis using company-emoji (still needs a way of showing, eitherusing the
layer or having a proper font) :clap:
2 BibTeX
For more extensive support of references with BibTeX files, have a look at theBibTeX layer.
3 Install
To use this configuration layer, add it to your ~/.spacemacs
. You will need toadd markdown
to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
list in thisfile.
4 Configuration
4.1 Live preview
A live preview can be generated when one of these executables are in path:
A well-knowned markdown
command is from https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/.Or follow pandoc
installation instructions to install pandoc into path:https://pandoc.org/installing.html
Another choice is installing Python-Markdown
If your markdown executable is not in the list, please refer the document ofmarkdown-mode
for customizing the markdown-command
Another alternative is to install the `github layer` and use `grip-mode` for livepreviewing, though this only supports Github flavored markdown.
By default the built-in Emacs web browser is used to live preview a markdownbuffer.
To use vmd
(GitHub-flavored live preview) instead set the value of thevariable markdown-live-preview-engine
to vmd
And install the executable with:
Additionally there is flymd
package in chrome
Digitron driver download for windows. layer that allows to previewmarkdown buffer in Chrome. Please refer to chrome
layer documentation for moreinformation.
Grip Markdown Windows
4.2 Automatic MMM-Mode Generation
To generate MMM-Modes for languages set the value of the variablemarkdown-mmm-auto-modes
to a list of the languages. For languages where themode name directly relates to the language name, use a string. Otherwise, use alist of `('language' 'mode')`:
Note: Spacemacs already defines the variable markdown-mmm-auto-modes
to abunch of languages. Consider opening a PR on the Spacemacs repository to addnew languages instead of overriding the variable in your dotfile.
5 Usage
5.1 Generate a TOC
To generate a table of contents type on top of the buffer:SPC SPC markdown-toc-generate-toc RET
5.2 Editing tables
While markdown-mode
provides functionality to edit tables, users of org
layer benefit from more sophisticated orgtbl-mode
In order to use orgtabl-mode
, add org
layer to your ~/.spacemacs
6 Key bindings
Markdown To Html Converter Online
6.1 Element insertion
Key binding | Description |
SPC m - | insert horizontal line |
SPC m h i | insert header dwim |
SPC m h I | insert header setext dwim |
SPC m h 1 | insert header atx 1 |
SPC m h 2 | insert header atx 2 |
SPC m h 3 | insert header atx 3 |
SPC m h 4 | insert header atx 4 |
SPC m h 5 | insert header atx 5 |
SPC m h 6 | insert header atx 6 |
SPC m h ! | insert header setext 1 |
SPC m h @ | insert header setext 2 |
SPC m i l | insert link |
SPC m i u | insert uri |
SPC m i f | insert footnote |
SPC m i w | insert wiki link |
SPC m i i | insert image |
SPC m i t | insert Table of Contents (toc) |
SPC m x b | make region bold or insert bold |
SPC m x B | insert gfm checkbox |
SPC m x i | make region italic or insert italic |
SPC m x c | make region code or insert code |
SPC m x C | make region code or insert code (GitHub Flavored Markdown format) |
SPC m x k | make region <kbd> element or insert <kbd> element |
SPC m x q | make region blockquote or insert blockquote |
SPC m x Q | blockquote region |
SPC m x p | make region or insert pre |
SPC m x P | pre region |
SPC m x s | make region striked through or insert strikethrough |
6.2 Element removal
6.3 Table manipulation
Key binding | Description |
SPC m t p | move row up |
SPC m t n | move row down |
SPC m t f | move column right |
SPC m t b | move column left |
SPC m t r | insert row |
SPC m t R | delete row |
SPC m t c | insert column |
SPC m t C | delete column |
SPC m t s | sort lines |
SPC m t t | transpose table |
SPC m t d | convert region to table |
6.4 Completion
6.5 Following and Jumping
Key binding | Description |
SPC m o | follow thing at point |
RET | jump (markdown-do) |
6.6 Indentation
Key binding | Description |
SPC m > | indent region |
SPC m < | outdent region |
6.7 Header navigation
Key binding | Description |
gj | outline forward same level |
gk | outline backward same level |
gh | outline up one level |
gl | outline next visible heading |
6.8 Buffer-wide commands
Key binding | Description |
SPC m c ] | complete buffer |
SPC m c m | other window |
SPC m c p | preview |
SPC m c P | live preview using engine defined with layer variable markdown-live-preview-engine |
SPC m c e | export |
SPC m c v | export and preview |
SPC m c o | open |
SPC m c w | kill ring save |
SPC m c c | check refs |
SPC m c n | cleanup list numbers |
SPC m c r | render buffer |
6.9 List editing
Grip Markdown System
6.10 Movement
Key binding | Description |
SPC m { | backward paragraph |
SPC m } | forward paragraph |
SPC m N | next link |
SPC m P | previous link |
6.11 Promotion, Demotion
Key binding | Command |
M-k or M-up | markdown-move-up |
M-j or M-down | markdown-move-down |
M-h or M-left | markdown-promote |
M-l or M-right | markdown-demote |
Markdown To Html
6.12 Toggles
Grip Markdown Tool
Key binding | Description |
SPC m T i | toggle inline images |
SPC m T l | toggle hidden urls |
SPC m T m | toggle markup hiding |
SPC m T t | toggle checkbox |
SPC m T w | toggle wiki links |