Human Body Oxygen Level

I transcribed part of Dana Ashley’s video regarding the impact of 5G/60 GHz on the human body. The transcript is not word for word.

The impacts of 5G/60 GHz are not widely published. Here’s what we know from big telecom company promotional material: “60 GHz has a very distinct impact on none other than oxygen itself.” Yes, articles from companies touting benefits of 5G admit 60 GHz is absorbed by oxygen as seen by this graph.

  • What is a normal blood oxygen level (SpO2 reading)? An SpO 2 reading of 95% or more is generally considered to be a normal oxygen level. An SpO 2 reading of 92% or less could indicate that your blood is poorly saturated. Insufficient saturation can cause issues such as chest pain, shortness of breath and increased heart rate.
  • Without oxygen, the human body can’t function. Oxygen saturation levels are a way of measuring how much oxygen is in the bloodstream. While most healthy individuals don’t need to monitor their oxygen saturation level, people with certain health conditions or athletes looking for peak performance can benefit from tracking oxygen levels.

Mayo Clinic defines the normal human oxygen level as 95 percent to 100 percent. Levels below 90 percent are considered low. Oxygen levels are usually measured with a pulse oximeter device attached to the finger; this device measures the amount of oxygen saturating the blood.

Normal Oxygen Levels For Elderly

Frequencies under 60 GHz are not impacted. Once it hits 60 GHz it spikes and becomes hugely absorbed by oxygen.

This company selling products that run on 60 GHz says it’s going to help with interference levels.

Isn’t that nice. They don’t want your first shooter video games to lag, and most of us know from mainstream releases promoting 5G that things like water and trees are going to get in the way of this frequency. So how does this even make sense unless their intentions are something besides faster speeds?

02:13 mins Knowing this frequency impacts oxygen, why mess with absorption of oxygen in the human body?

The way 60 GHz impacts oxygen is this. From the book ‘Magnetobiology’, Underlying Physical Problems, Effects of electromagnetic fields on living organisms:

Oxygen the atom is O. Oxygen the molecule is 02. Two atoms together.

These two atoms form the oxygen molecule and share some electrons. 60 GHz causes electrons surrounding oxygen molecules to spin, akin to how high-powered microwaves running on 2.4 impact molecules in food such as water. They’re heating, in part, by impacting those molecules to rotate or oscillate with each wave. Dmx4all usb devices driver download for windows 10. The movement energy from the rotation of these super tiny water molecules helps heat the rest of the food.

In a similar way that 2.4 causes H20 to oscillate, 5G/60 GHz even at low power causes electrons on oxygen molecules to spin, changes to the spin frequencies on oxygen electrons impact human biology.

When you breathe air into your lungs it gets oxygen into your blood, brain, tissues etc. and oxygen entering your lungs gets picked up by a very important iron containing protein called hemoglobin in your blood.

The impact of oxygen molecules spinning the electrons is that it makes the hemoglobin unable to uptake the oxygen and get it to the rest of your body.

Shouldn’t the fact that 60 GHz fundamentally interacts with oxygen, the most abundant and arguably most important element to all biological life, be headline news that stops everything until we deeply test the implications?

Flu and microwave symptoms are almost identical

Some symptoms people attribute to the flu are identical to symptoms of radiation sickness.

Human Body Oxygen Level

MedallionNet™ The Best Wi-Fi at Sea – A CLUE!

What about people quarantined at sea? Many of them elderly, many of them with preexisting health conditions, many of them who had the flu shot making them more susceptible to this season’s flu. Did they experience microwave sickness?


US Senator Blumenthal Raises Concerns on 5G Wireless Technology Health Risks at Senate Hearing

Why scientists are worried about 5G

About 5G and Oxygen. We created this video to help you understand the concerns scientists have regarding 5G and to help you form your own opinion

Please share to raise awareness so people take responsibility for their own lives and the lives of family. Thank you.

Doreen A Agostino
Without Prejudice and Without Recourse
Sent via hardwired computer
All wireless turned off to safeguard life


One of the most popular questions which people have is how low can their oxygen level go before they die. There are various reasons behind asking the question. One of the reasons is before going mountain climbing or even swimming. An understanding of how low a person’s oxygen level can go will allow them to make the right decisions to stay alive and healthy.

As mentioned in previous articles sleep apnea is a serious condition which many people suffer from. Knowing about the oxygen level can help people with the condition.

What is Sleep Apnea?

It is a critical sleep disorder where people experience their breathing stopping and starting repeatedly. You might even have sleep apnea if you snore loudly and experience exhaustion after a good night’s sleep. The most common type of sleep apnea occurs when the throat muscles relax, known as obstructive sleep apnea.

Breathing properly is vital and long-term sleep disorders have serious health implications such as an increase in the incidence of heart problems, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

What is the normal and low oxygen level?

Oxygen Levels Chart

Low oxygen level indicates that the treatment you are undergoing for sleep apnea isn’t effective. Low oxygen levels in the blood are something that patients with sleep apnea suffer from. A normal blood oxygen level should be anywhere between 94 percent and 98 percent.

Oxygen level drops to 80 percent or less due to not breathing for 30 seconds or more when sleeping. Anyone that has an oxygen level under 90 percent requires intervention as it is dangerously low for the body. The brain only has the ability to survive for up to 4 minutes if oxygen gets completely cut off.

Oxygen Levels during Sleep Apnea

The upper airway muscle tone during sleep tends to be narrow which makes it collapse temporarily in sleep apnea patients. As this happens, the breathing would stop along with a drop in blood oxygen levels. You will feel tired during sleep since the oxygen levels would drop, contributing to restless sleep. The carbon dioxide levels would start to build up as the oxygen levels drop. Sleepiness, fatigue and morning headaches would be felt during the day due to this.

How does Oxygen Levels Due to Sleep Apnea Impact the Body?

If the blood oxygen levels drops below 92 percent, it is considered to be abnormal. However, what is more, important to be considered is the amount of time spent with the abnormal oxygen levels and the number of desaturations. But, if the desaturated levels below 92 percent are experienced just once or twice within a 7 hour sleeping period and if it lasted for just a few seconds, then it is nothing to worry about. Experiencing long low oxygen levels, on the other hand, will seriously affect your health. It leads to the following.

Optimum Oxygen Level In Humans

  • Fluid buildup in your body
  • Heart rhythm problem
  • Stroke
  • Heart Failure
  • Increasing pressure on your heart’s right side

How to monitor your Blood Oxygen Levels?

Now, normally it will your doctor who will discover that your blood oxygen levels are low or under the minimum 90 percent requirement. It is probably due to the oxygen levels dropping in the night. Eutron card reader driver download. Sleep apnea is the cause of this or any other respiratory disorder such as UARS. Overnight monitoring would be recommended by the doctor for your oxygen levels using the oximeter that would be attached to the finger. Oxygen levels will be recorded by this device along with the pulse rate as you sleep.

It is important to follow up with the sleep study to ensure that the right actions are taken. Your short term memory and other cognitive functions would be damaged, as well as a heart attack and stroke in your sleep would occur with a continued drop in oxygen levels.

Human Body Oxygen Level In Hindi

How to treat Sleep Apnea Oxygen Level?

Anyone that has sleep apnea would use a CPAP machine to be treated. Oxygen levels will improve and return to normal levels if apnea episodes disappear. Sleep apnea is a serious condition with severe consequences, it is vital to get treated as early as possible.