

At a Glance

Fragaria vesca, commonly called wild strawberry, woodland strawberry, Alpine strawberry, Carpathian strawberry, European strawberry, or fraisier des bois, is a perennial herbaceous plant in the rose family that grows naturally throughout much of the Northern Hemisphere, and that produces edible fruits. Smultron includes colored syntax highlighting for many programming languages, works with OS X's Services menu and built-in spell checker, and doesn't require a ton of memory or CPU power to run. Hwass sound cards & media devices driver. We tried to give treats to Harley, Leslie, and Drusilla who are three of the remaining FF baby girls. Leslie and Drusilla decided to explore. But Harley was on a mission. #hamster #snacks #floridafiasco #smultron.

Expert’s Rating


Our Verdict

Editor’s note: The following review is part of Macworld’sSummer of Mac Gems series. Each business day until the middle of August 2008, the Macworld staff will use the Mac Gems blog to briefly cover a favorite free or low-cost program. Visit the Mac Gems homepage for a list of past Mac Gems.

There are dozens and dozens of text editors for the Mac, so why do I use Peter Borg’s Smultron? To be honest, there’s not a definitive “this is why” answer to that question—Smultron isn’t as feature-rich as Bare Bones Software’s BBEdit () or TextWrangler (), for example.

However, I find Smultron’s interface less daunting than some of its competitors, and the environment can be customized to your liking.

Smultron Berry


Smultron In English

Smultron includes colored syntax highlighting for many programming languages, works with OS X’s Services menu and built-in spell checker, and doesn’t require a ton of memory or CPU power to run.

Smultron rugen


It might not meet everyone’s needs, but it’s free (and open source), so it won’t cost you anything to try it out.